Halloween Safety Tips for your Toddlers
Things that go BOO in the night - Keeping your tiny Ghouls & Witches Safe During Halloween
Try The Halloween Safety Tips For Your Toddlers
Witches and goblins, ghouls, OH MY! From costumes to candies, and pumpkins galore, it won’t be long before Halloween is trick or treating at your door! Filled with Halloween haunt, and scaredy cats too, Halloween is filled with fun, what will you and your little ones do?
It won’t take much to blow your cobwebs away, this holiday time is not only fun for kids but for adults too! So go ahead and take in delight; Bob for apples, carve pumpkins, create spooky costumes filled with fright, but don’t forget to keep your little ones safe at night!
Yes!! You must have started the tradition. And you are ready with the costumes too. But are you prepared to keep away your toddlers from Halloween accidents? It can be easy to get spooked with Halloween fright, but keeping our little ones safe, is quite the delight.
Here are a few easy Halloween safety tips with toddlers to keep your kids safe during your Halloween celebration without being a helicopter parent. While we can’t always be over watching at every second, the following safety tips will keep the celebration fun and safe for your littles, without the need to over worry:
Keep Away From Pointed Props: For safety of your kids, replace the sharp-pointed princess crowns and plastic swords with its softer versions. Try to craft a plastic or paper foam crown for your little princess. For your little gentleman, make a police badge out of felt and a magic wand by attaching curling ribbon, streaming or glitter-decorated tulle instead of pointed plastic stars. This also makes for a fun filled Halloween event, of crafting your little ones costumes together!
Dress For Safety: When you choose Halloween costumes for your toddlers, cuteness counts, however, not as much as safety. To help keep them away from injuries, make sure that your toddler’s dress is short enough to let him or her navigate easily. Halloween costumes for toddlers should be flame resistant. To make them visible, select dresses which are reflective and bright. Shoes should fit them well to prevent entanglement or tripping.
Keep Away From Masks: Well, there is no need to camouflage your little ones face with masks. It is dangerous because it can not only block their vision but also make them difficult to breathe. Instead, it’s good to paint their faces with non-toxic paints or makeup. Test the paint before applying on skin.
Pin Your Address: Well, it is important for your child’s safety. It’s smart to write your address and telephone number in her costume. This can be of great help if in case he or she gets separated from you.
Hopefully, the aforesaid Halloween safety tips with toddlers can keep your kids safe during this Halloween celebration no matter what you have planned. So go ahead and enjoy your Hallow-Night filled with tricks and treats, and your favourite Halloween delights!