Party Like a Flamingo! Summer Themed Birthday Party
Looking for a unique theme for your little one’s birthday party? Want it colorful and fun? A flamingo is a perfect theme for you. Who doesn’t love these bright pink birds? It is a great theme for birthdays that fall during the warmer months. Here are some ideas on how to put together a great flamingo themed birthday party.
Flamingo party color combinations. For the girl who loves the color pink, they will definitely love this theme! Incorporate bright pinks, peaches, summer blues and greens together. It will give your party the warm and bright look that you are looking for. You can use these colors in the balloons you decorate with or the table cloth color covers you choose. You want your party to look bright and fun.
Flamingo blow-up floats. You don’t have to have a pool to have a flamingo blow-up float. You can use them throughout your party venue as décor. Kids will love not only the look of them but also play with them as well. They will give the whimsical retro flamingo look you are looking for. Plus, what is a flamingo party without some flamingos lounging around?
Pineapples please. Pineapples are a great décor item to add to this party theme. Not only are they a super yummy fruit, they are great to decorate with. Hallow out the pineapple and you can fill it with bright pink flowers. You can also make pineapple cupcakes. Use yellow cake mix with bright yellow swirl frosting. Add gold sprinkles and paper greenery for the stem.